Why do people need a Dating Coach?
To love and to be in love we have to make ourselves vulnerable. We are often fearful of being vulnerable or experiencing rejection when dating.
To have a sucessful relationship with a partner we must firstly have a healthy relationship with ourself. We should be able to find our self confidence and beliefs from the mirror witin us, rather than looking for external validation from a partner or social media to fulfill our self worth or self respect.
The sessions with a dating coach will enable you to break away from old patterns of communications and behaviours within couple relationships that have previously held you back.
They will enable you to not fall into the trap of wasting your time dating unavailable people or non commital people or being ghosted by someone.
The sessions will leave you feeling empowered to choose partners that have the same morals and values as you and who are able to make a commitment.
The sessions will give you the confidence to advocate for yourself and to voice your needs and expectations from a relationship.
They will give you the confidence to set clear boundaries within any relationship and to know your own value and sense of identity.
You will be able to avoid feeling anxious and insecure and worrying about not being your true self when entering a relationship.
The six steps we will look at within our dating coaching sessions togther are;
1. Have a vision for the type of partner you want to be with. Understand your deal breakers.
2. Address past relationship hurts, disapointments and insecurities.
3. Understand your attachment style and how it can potentially sabotage relationships
4. Know your romantic needs and how to express them and have appropriate boundaries in place.
Understand healthy and unhealthy relationship traits and patterns of behaviour.
5. Look at different dating options and learn how to be confident on a date and not be vulnerable or anxious.
6. Learn to love yourself and be confident in who you are. Learn how to manage rejection and not take it so personally.